====== Civil War in Boone County, Kentucky: Teacher Kit ====== **Grade Level 4-8, Subject: History, American History, Military History** Life at War PowerPoint * Use Power Point provided above and notes within the Power Point to discuss what life was like during the Civil War Learning Goals: - Learn how the Civil War impacted men who became soldiers from Boone County. - Understand what everyday life was like for soldiers in the Civil War. - What personal sacrifices did soldiers and their families have to go through for the War? - Compare/Contrast Soldiers who made an impact on the Civil War. Civil War in Boone County Activities & Content for Students Civil War in Boone County Discussion Questions Common Core State Standards ===== More Information ===== [[https://bcp.ent.sirsi.net/client/en_US/search/asset/24692/0|Civil War in Boone County Resource Page]]