The Underground Railroad in Boone County: Teacher Kit

Grade Level 4-8, Subject: History, American History

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VIDEO: Margaret Garner Controversy (4:46),“The Age of Slavery (1800-1860): The African Americans-Many Rivers to Cross.” In 1856, Garner escaped from Boone County, KY to Ohio but was apprehended. She killed her children rather than return them to slavery. ©2013 PBS

Learning Goals:

  1. To learn and understand the concept of The Underground Railroad. What it meant to those enslaved and those who helped to conduct
  2. To learn about the brave people who conducted the Underground Railroad and helped slaves head north towards freedom
  3. To understand the courage, fear and personal sacrifices of the enslaved who ran away
  4. To learn about the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and other laws concerning slavery

<html><a href=underground_railroad_in_boone_county_activities_content_for_students><img alt=“The Underground Railroad in Boone County Activities” src=“” width=“200” title=“The Underground Railroad in Boone County Activities”></a></html> <html><a href=the_underground_railroad_in_boone_county><img alt=“The Underground Railroad in Boone County History” src=“” width=“200” title=“The Underground Railroad in Boone County History”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“Underground Railroad Discussion Questions” src=“” width=“200” title=“Underground Railroad Discussion Questions”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“Common Core State Standards” src=“” width=“200” title=“Common Core State Standards”></a></html>

More Information

Suggested Reading

<html><a href=“”><img alt=“Beloved by Toni Morrison” src=“” width=“75” title=“Beloved by Toni Morrison”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“The Underground Railroad, An Encyclopedia of People, Places, and Operations by Mary Ellen Snodgrass” src=“” width=“88” title=“The Underground Railroad, An Encyclopedia of People, Places, and Operations by Mary Ellen Snodgrass”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“People of the Underground Railroad, A Biographical Dictionary by Tom Calarco” src=“” width=“82” title=“People of the Underground Railroad, A Biographical Dictionary by Tom Calarco”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriett Beecher Stowe” src=“” width=“87” title=“Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriett Beecher Stowe”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom by Wilbur H. Siebert” src=“” width=“74” title=“The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom by Wilbur H. Siebert”></a></html> <html><a href=“”><img alt=“Encyclopedia of the Underground Railroad by J. Blaine Hudson” src=“” width=“88” title=“Encyclopedia of the Underground Railroad by J. Blaine Hudson”></a></html>