Walton Loses A Splendid Citizen

This article appeared on the front page of the August 20th, 1936 edition of the Walton Advertiser

Ed. E. Fry Passed Away Thursday Morning August 13 After Two Years' Illness

A Genial Whole Souled Citizen Who Had Many Friends

After battling with a complication of diseases for about two years, E.E. Fry passed away last Thursday morning at 6 o’clock at this home in Richland Court, South Main St. He was tenderly cared for by his devoted wife during his long illness. A professional nurse also attended his bedside during his latter illness, assisted by Mr. Mabel Stansifer, a daughter-in-law of his widow. Previous to his passing he had been unconscious for some hours and he quietly fell asleep, the sleep that knows no awakening on this earth.

Mr. Fry was 71 years old and was born and reared in at Verona, Ky. In early life he was a traveling representative for the Deering Threshing Machine Co., remaining with this company for a number of years. He afterward opened a general merchandise store in Verona, forming a partnership with O.K. Whitson. Selling out his interests to his partner, he moved to Walton, where he purchased a residence and afterwards formed a partnership with Barnett W. Franks and purchased the hardware business of A.M. and S.L. Edwards. Owing to ill health Mr. Franks sold his interests to his partner who continued the business for some time, afterwards selling a half interest to F.I. Conrad. Ill health compelled him to retire from active business life and Mr. Fry sold his interests to Mr. Conrad. Ill health occasioned by being struck by an automobile, Mr. Conrad turned the business over to his son Powers Conrad who now conducts the business.

Mr. Fry was an exceptionally fine man, true to all principles, he thought right and would not lend himself to any questionable action, always standing up for what he thought was right. He had a humorous vein and greatly enjoyed a joke whether on himself or a friend and no one knew Ed Fry but liked him for genial disposition and sterling qualities. He was a man who read human nature and despised duplicity. He was unanimously elected president of the Walton Equitable Bank, but resigned because of ill health. Mr. Fry was an honored member of the Masonic Lodge, serving two terms as Master of Walton Lodge No. 719, F. and A.M.

He remarked to a friend a number of years ago when he anticipated his span of life was drawing to a close, “I have lived a reasonable length of time and when I am called I will be ready to lay down life’s burden.” How philosophically he looked at the matter of life, and he meant it. fearing not when called by the Great Jehovah.

Mr. Fry was a member of the Baptist church and was ever a valued and faithful member. He is survived by his widow and one nephew J.F. Cleek of the Richwood neighborhood.

His funeral took place from the Walton Baptist church, Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, a large assemblage of relatives and friends filling the church to its capacity and four ministers officiating. As the funeral cortege advanced up the aisle, sacred music was rendered by Mrs. Blanche Coffman, on the piano, and a trio, composed of Miss Mary Ransler, Mrs. Oliva Wills and V.D. James, sang two sacred songs. Rev. J.M. Ervin, pastor of the Walton Christian church, read scripture passages, Rev. R.F. DeMoisey of the Florence Baptist church and Rev. Noble Lucas of Bullittsville Christian church, offered prayer. An appropriate funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. C.E. Brown.

The Pallbearers were: J.B. Doan, V.P. Kerns, O.K. Whitson, J.R. Conrad, Marvin Gaines and Stanley Vallandingham.

The sympathy of the community is extended by the bereaved ones. Funeral Directors Chambers & Grubbs had charge of the arrangements.